

The wind that shakes the barley

The wind that shakes the barley e’ stata scritta da Robert Dwyer Joyce a meta’  del 1800 e affonda le radici nella rivolta irlandese del 1798. I ribelli portavano spesso con se’ del grano in tasca, come scarna provvista durante le marce. Finita la guerra, soffocata nel sangue l’insurrezione, lungo i campi irlandesi crescevano qua e la’ dei ciuffi di grano, memoria dei ribelli caduti e sepolti in massa. Gli irlandesi trasformati in grano, una rivolta impossibile da distruggere.


The wind that shakes the barley was written by Robert Dwyer Joyce in the mid 1800s and has its roots in the 1798 Irish Rebellion. The rebels often carried some barley in their pockets, as skinny provision in the route. After the war, the insurrection drowned in blood, many tufts of barley have grown up along the irish fields, as memory of rebels killed and buried in mass. The Irish people turned into barley, a rebellion impossible to consume.